REGISTER: TBD. This course will be co-sponsored with BCBS.
NEXT COURSE: Oct 25 – Dec 18, 2025
This course will provide an illuminating and evocative approach to sutta study by exploring the Buddha’s teachings through the lens of similes and stories.
The Buddha’s teaching skill shines through the wide range of examples and similes that he used to convey subtle points of instruction. His teachings are peppered with images of mountains, rivers, oceans, sun and moon, lions, jackals, turtles, quail, fire, archery, craftsmanship, windows, gates, bubbles, mirages, magic tricks, ripe fruit, purified gold, incubated eggs, blind men, sumptuous meals, stumps, creeping vines, chariots, etched lines, childhood games, sandcastles, and more.
The Buddha used imagery to help ordinary people comprehend deep topics. Farmers could relate to references to sowing seeds and yoking oxen to the plough; warriors understood his examples of training horses and driving chariots. Craftsman comprehended the processes of purifying gold. These striking similes continue to help meditation students gain a down-to-earth sense of the profound path taught by the Buddha.
Series 2 Module Topics:
- Progress and Development
- Understanding Anger
- Protecting Oneself and Others
- Danger in Sensual Pleasures
- Five Aggregates
- What is Nibbana?
- In the Face of Death
- Eight-fold Noble Path
Participants in this course will
- discover an accessible and fun approach to sutta study, supported by evocative similes and intriguing imagery
- explore how teachings from the ancient discourses come to life through contemporary contemplative practices
- experience the liberating dynamic of combining study, reflection, discussion, and meditation
- learn ways of incorporating traditional images into a contemporary mindfulness-based meditation practice
- gain an introduction to the Pāli Canon with readings gathered from the primary collections including Middle Length Discourses, Numerical Discourses, Connected Discourses, Long Discourses, Sutta Nipata, Udana.
Dates and times subject to change but currently scheduled for Sundays 9:00 – 11:00 AM Pacific Time; 12:00 – 2:00 PM Eastern Time, Oct 26, Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec 7, 14.
Course will include eight modules that have:
- Brief recorded reflections or guided meditations that introduce each lesson (15-30 minutes in length)
- Carefully selected collection of sutta readings that employ similes to explain a dhamma theme (reading assignments will require between 30 – 90 minutes per topic)
- Creative and reflective Try This! exercises to explore and integrate the teachings
- Peer led discussion forums
- Online video meetings with Shaila Catherine
- Online video meetings are recorded as audio files
Note for those familiar with other Bodhi Courses: This series is designed with streamlined content that focuses specifically on the similes. It requires considerably less time to read and listen to the material than most other Bodhi Courses, but the online video meetings occupy a more predominant role. The calls will be recorded, but it is highly recommended that students attend the online video meetings as much as possible.
There is no prerequisites to attend this course; however, it is designed with the assumption that participants will already have an established mindfulness meditation practice. Bodhi Courses developed five distinct courses in the Timeless Wisdom sutta study series. Each course is designed to stand alone and covers different topics and readings. We encourage students to join all five courses, but it is not necessary to take the previous courses in the series. The lessons are not sequential; you may join this program at anytime.
Please see the FAQs tab for more information.
For questions regarding registration, please contact: bcregistration
This Autumn 2025 course is co-sponsored with the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. Registration will be handled by BCBS; Course content will be handled by Bodhi Courses.
There are no required text books for this course. PDFs or Links to free online translations of the suttas will be provided in the course. Students may use alternative translations if they prefer.
Serious dhamma students will surely enjoy having the primary collections at hand and may wish to purchase the Wisdom Publications versions of the following texts. They are listed in the recommended order for sutta study:
Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha
Wisdom Publications, 1995
Numerical Length Discourses of the Buddha
Wisdom Publications, 2013
Connected Discourses of the Buddha
Wisdom Publications, 2013
COST: Sliding Scale from $TBD to $TBD
Please consider offering generously within your means.
The lower end of the scale is intended for those with very limited means. If additional scholarship assistance is needed, please contact us. The deadline for scholarship applications is 14 days prior to the date registration closes.

Shaila Catherine
Shaila Catherine