Liberating Practice of Mettā: A Course of Study and Practice


This online course offers an in-depth exploration of Mettā—the quality of loving kindness, goodwill, and friendliness toward all beings.

We will study selections from the early discourses of the Buddha to consider the contexts in which, and the purposes for which, the Buddha taught mettā. Guided meditations will support the establishing and deepening of mettā meditation practice. Practical instructions introduce a wide range of approaches to mettā, including the use of phrases, imagery, traditional categories, boundless intention, systematic expansion, spacious radiation. We will explore ways that mettā practices develop awakening factors, concentration, and insight. A variety of reflective exercises and discussion formats will help integrate our study of mettā into daily life situations.

Course topics include:

  • Mettā as Wise Intention
  • Value and Benefits of Mettā
  • Mettā as a Defining Feature of the Spiritual Life
  • Mettā for Thriving Relationships and Communities
  • Mettā Overcomes Hindrances and Ill Will
  • Mettā as the Basis for Concentration and Insight
  • The Immeasurable Attainment of Mettā
  • The Effects of Mettā on Kamma
  • Liberating Potential of Mettā


This online course includes approximately nine learning modules. Each module lasts about 7 days and includes

  • recorded lectures
  • guided meditations
  • reading assignments
  • sutta study
  • peer led discussion forums
  • live conference sessions with Shaila Catherine

The length of time students will spend with the material will vary, but we suggest that one should plan to devote about 3 hours each week to the material, in addition to your daily meditation.


This course is suitable for all levels of experience, including students who already practice mettā meditation and wish to expand their understanding of the teachings on mettā. No pre-requisite is required.


Please see the FAQs tab for more information.

For questions regarding registration,  please contact: bcregistration

Recommended Text
Not required for this course. One chapter in Wisdom Wide and Deep teaches the way to use Metta as the route to jhana. This book might interest you, but it is not required to participate in the course.

Is this course appropriate for me?2018-10-17T14:05:04-07:00

This course is suitable for all levels of experience, including students who already practice mettā meditation and wish to expand their understanding of the teachings on mettā.

Is there a prerequisite for participation in this course?2018-09-16T08:18:43-07:00

No. All are welcome to join this course on The Liberating Practice of Mettā.

What are the learning goals for this course?2018-10-17T14:06:04-07:00

The learning goals for this course are:

  1. To consider the contexts in which, and the purposes for which, the Buddha taught mettā.
  2. To offer practical instructions on mettā meditation that will support the development of mettā as a wholesome quality that deepens concentration, and will serve as the basis for liberating insight.
  3. To explore the integration of study and practice related to mettā meditation.
Will I need any books for this course?2022-08-02T09:47:13-07:00

Wisdom Wide and Deep: A Practical Handbook for Mastering Jhana and Vipassana by Shaila Catherine (Wisdom Publications, 2011) is highly recommended, but not required for this course.

There will be sutta readings from the Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi (Wisdom Publications), the Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Anguttara Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi (Wisdom Publications), and also from the Connnected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya by Bhikkhu Bodhi (Wisdom Publications). You may use personal copies of these texts if you wish, or alternatively, you may choose to rely on the copies provided within the course modules. Registration fee does not include books.

What is the format for this course?2021-10-11T10:42:23-07:00

The course is entirely online, and includes recorded lectures and guided meditation instructions, readings, sutta study, discussion forums, a library of resources, and optional live audio or video conferences with Shaila Catherine.

What if I will be away in retreat or traveling during the course dates?2018-09-10T16:04:14-07:00

Bodhi Courses is planned and designed for people with busy schedules and every-day demands. The self-paced learning modules offer flexibility for completing assignments. Internet access is needed, but if you have a mobile device or internet access while traveling, your participation can continue without interruption. Audio talks are streamed, not downloadable.

Will there be interactions with the teachers and other students?2019-10-25T19:05:35-07:00

Yes, both. Shaila Catherine will offer several opportunities for optional live audio conferences. These sessions are optional and open to all class participants, and recordings are later made available within the course. These large group conference calls may include reflections on the lesson topic, questions and answers about applying course topics to your meditation practice, or the study of a sutta. Practical questions and comments related to meditation and the course materials are invited. However, Shaila is not available outside these large group calls for individual inquiries or practice guidance.

Students will also interact through the written discussion forums. Shaila reviews the written forums to draw out themes for the audio conferences, but she will rarely add a post directly. The written forums are intended to be a space for peer-to-peer discussions; they are moderated by a team of wise, skilled discussion leaders who help guide the forum discussions toward in-depth and practical explorations of the course themes.

What are the technology requirements for this course?2021-03-11T17:19:03-08:00

A computer with dependable internet access and a browser, and standard (freely available) software for listening to audio files and viewing PDF documents.

A mobile app for Moodle courseware is also available for those who prefer to access the course via a mobile device.


Will I need special software for the course?2021-10-11T16:53:40-07:00

No. The course is hosted on Moodle, which is courseware widely used by schools, universities, and various learning programs worldwide. Moodle is compatible with both PC and Mac. Moodle is browser-based, requiring no downloads or installations. For mobile devices, the Moodle moblie app is available for (free) download.

Optional live audio or video conferences with Shaila Catherine may be accessed by either computer or phone. Details will be provided in the course.

What does the registration fee cover?2018-10-30T13:47:43-07:00

The registration fee covers participation in the course, but does not include books. Additional donations (dana) for the teacher is welcome and encouraged.

Donations may be offered through our Teacher Support Page.

What if I want to cancel my registration? Are the registration fees refundable?2018-09-10T15:56:32-07:00

Registration fees are non-refundable. In the case of cancellations that occur at least 14 days prior to the course start date, Bodhi Courses will credit the amount above half the low end of the sliding scale towards a future course. Voucher credits expire in one year.

What if I still have questions?2021-10-11T16:55:47-07:00

Contact:  bcregistration

What about time demands for this course?2018-09-10T15:51:04-07:00

The assignments will likely require about 3 hours per week, depending on your level of interest and inquiry. Each learning module will span 7-14 days, and during that designated period, you may work at your own pace. Daily meditation practice is strongly encouraged.

What additional fees and costs might I incur?2019-10-25T19:00:31-07:00

The sliding scale registration fee is the only payment made to Bodhi Courses. In addition you will need to purchase the required course book(s) from your favorite book supplier or borrow from a library.

Our lectures and guided meditations are streamed, not downloadable. Depending upon the service contract with your internet provider you may incur data charges to listen to the lectures.

Will the course material remain available to us after the class period has ended?2021-10-11T10:38:40-07:00

We design our recorded lectures, guided meditations, and conference calls to function within the context of a structured course, and therefore we do not make them available for downloading or use outside the course. We envision this to be a classroom experience that is limited in time to the specified course period. We do not offer permanent access or personal possession of the talks, guided meditations, or recordings.

We do, however, provide the following support for enrolled participants: during each 2-3 month course period, the completed course modules remain available and students can review material from earlier modules throughout the duration of the course.  We also keep our courses available for a few weeks after the closing date. The number of weeks varies and depends upon how much time our volunteers need to prepare for the next Bodhi Course. Usually the material is available for 3-4 weeks after the course ends, and we announce the final date within the course. This extension offers extra time for students to review the material or catch up if they fell behind. After this period for review, the material will no longer be available and access to the course will be denied.

COST: Sliding Scale
$580 to $190

Please consider offering generously within your means. The lower end of the scale is intended for those with very limited means.

If additional scholarship assistance is needed, please contact us. The deadline for scholarship applications is 14 days prior to the date registration closes.

Shaila Catherine
Shaila Catherine, Principal Teacher
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