RETREAT: January 8 – 16, 2025

This retreat will develop insight meditation practices using the structure of the six sense bases.

We will cultivate mindfulness of sensory experience, and contemplate the impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and not-self characteristics in contact with seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and mental activities. By clearly seeing the emptiness of lived phenomena, habitual patterns fall away, the causes of suffering cease, and there can be a genuine awakening—a realization of nibbana.

This silent retreat is structured with alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation, dhamma teachings, and teacher consultations. It is intended for meditators who are already familiar with mindfulness based practice, and have previously attended at least one week long silent residential insight meditation retreat.

Register early! Space is limited. 

More information is at:

We keep this retreat small to enable in-depth guidance from Shaila. Nestled in a tranquil Redwood forest, this site offers a powerful and intimate environment for deep meditation practice. You will enjoy the benefits of natural beauty, a spacious meditation hall, and access to extensive walking trails.


The site has cabins, lodges, and a conference center with hotel-style rooms. Although all rooms have multiple beds, we will use most rooms as singles. A discount for double occupancy is available for couples or friends who arrange to room together. RV and tent camping is an option at this center.

Please find cost and registration details at:

Co-Sponsored by Bodhi Retreats and Insight Meditation South Bay

Event Details:

Start: January 8, 2025
End: January 16, 2025


Redwood Glen Conference and Retreat Center
100 Wright Drive, Loma Mar, CA 94021 United States
(about 1 hour drive from San Francisco Airport)


Email: meditation3  bodhicourses 

Shaila Catherine, Principal Teacher
Shaila Catherine