
Mindfulness of the Body, Impermanence, and Death: 10-night Retreat in Michigan

RETREAT: August 26 – September 5, 2024

“Mindfulness of death, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and benefit, culminating in the deathless, having the deathless as its consummation.”
– Anguttara Nikaya 8.7

This retreat is designed to enhance your spiritual insights through a closer examination of the changing conditions of […]

Mindfulness of the Body, Impermanence, and Death: 10-night Retreat in Michigan2024-03-09T13:03:48-08:00

Living Without Enemies: An Online Study Weekend Retreat

REGISTER: Now – Jun 25
RETREAT: Jun 28 – 30, 2024

The Buddha said, “The world may quarrel with me, but I do not quarrel with the world.” How can we live our lives without hate—without making anyone into an enemy?

This program will use both sutta study and meditation practice to explore […]

Living Without Enemies: An Online Study Weekend Retreat2024-07-01T11:17:55-07:00

Jhāna Study Group

A 9-month discussion group led by Shaila Catherine

This mentorship group is intended to encourage concentration practice and provide support for practitioners while they are emphasizing concentration or jhāna in their at-home and retreat practice. This group is intended to provide continued support specifically for meditators who have already studied and […]

Jhāna Study Group2023-11-16T13:53:58-08:00

Mindfulness of Death: An Online Weekend Retreat

REGISTER: Now – October 6
RETREAT: October 7 – 9, 2022

Online weekend retreat with Shaila Catherine is hosted by the Dharma Zephyr Sangha in Nevada. All are welcome.

“Mindfulness of death, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and benefit, culminating in the deathless, having the deathless as its consummation.”
– Anguttara […]

Mindfulness of Death: An Online Weekend Retreat2023-06-30T13:44:25-07:00

Liberating Meditations on the Body, Impermanence, and Death: 10-night Retreat in California

RETREAT: May 9 – 19, 2023

“Mindfulness of death, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and benefit, culminating in the deathless, having the deathless as its consummation.”
– Anguttara Nikaya 8.7

Western societies seem adept at hiding death behind closed doors or in “sanitized” locations like hospitals and nursing homes. […]

Liberating Meditations on the Body, Impermanence, and Death: 10-night Retreat in California2023-05-18T13:28:31-07:00

Nourishing Seven Factors of Awakening: An Online Weekend Retreat

REGISTER: Now – Jan 11, 2023
RETREAT: Jan 13 – 15, 2023

This at-home online  weekend retreat will nourish seven qualities that prepare the mind for awakening: mindfulness, investigation, energy, joy, tranquility, concentration, and equanimity. These Seven Awakening Factors mature into a bright, balanced, and peaceful mind that is imbued with […]

Nourishing Seven Factors of Awakening: An Online Weekend Retreat2023-01-27T21:50:31-08:00

Beyond Distraction: 10-night Retreat in Georgia

RETREAT: August 29 – September 8, 2022

Mental restlessness is an insidious and pervasive hindrance that most practitioners struggle to overcome. We can refine our skills for working with the modes of thinking that distract us from being mindful: critical thoughts, planning, worrying, lustful thoughts, judging, memories, internal commentaries, to […]
Beyond Distraction: 10-night Retreat in Georgia2022-10-04T21:51:12-07:00

Sustaining a Deep Practice

Sustaining A Deep Practice:
Two Mentorship Groups with Shaila Catherine

These group are designed to deepen your meditation practice, build supportive relationships with other dedicated meditators, and maintain contact with Shaila Catherine between retreats. This series of six 90-minute meetings via Zoom gatherings will be somewhat like small group meetings at a […]

Sustaining a Deep Practice2022-12-29T10:37:25-08:00
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