Residential Retreats

Cultivating Concentration, Jhana Factors & States: 10-night Retreat in California

RETREAT: May 6 – 16, 2025

This retreat will follow the approach to deepening concentration and attaining the absorption states of jhāna as described in Shaila Catherine’s first book, Focused and Fearless, recently republished under the new title, The Jhanas. Instructions will use the breath as the primary meditation object […]

Cultivating Concentration, Jhana Factors & States: 10-night Retreat in California2024-06-11T12:14:23-07:00

Insights into Emptiness: 8-night Retreat in California

RETREAT: January 8 – 16, 2025

This retreat will develop insight meditation practices using the structure of the six sense bases.

We will cultivate mindfulness of sensory experience, and contemplate the impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and not-self characteristics in contact with seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and mental activities. By clearly seeing the […]

Insights into Emptiness: 8-night Retreat in California2024-06-11T12:16:17-07:00

Insights into Emptiness: 10-night Retreat in Georgia

RETREAT: November 7 – 17, 2024

This retreat will develop insight meditation practices using the structure of the six sense bases.

We will cultivate mindfulness of sensory experience, and contemplate the impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and not-self characteristics in contact with seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and mental activities. By clearly seeing the […]

Insights into Emptiness: 10-night Retreat in Georgia2024-06-11T12:04:15-07:00
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