
Cultivating Concentration, Jhana Factors & States: 10-night Retreat in California

RETREAT: May 6 – 16, 2025

This retreat will follow the approach to deepening concentration and attaining the absorption states of jhāna as described in Shaila Catherine’s first book, Focused and Fearless, recently republished under the new title, The Jhanas. Instructions will use the breath as the primary meditation object […]

Cultivating Concentration, Jhana Factors & States: 10-night Retreat in California2024-06-11T12:14:23-07:00

Spiritual Experience & Aspiration: Bold Talk on Awakening

REGISTER: Now – April 9
RETREAT: April 11 – 13, 2025

A Weekend ONLINE AT-HOME Retreat
with Shaila Catherine

Do you aspire for awakening? Do you ponder spiritual experiences that have occurred in your practice?

This program will provide an opportunity for meditation practice along with frank and bold discussions on themes of awakening, and […]

Spiritual Experience & Aspiration: Bold Talk on Awakening2024-06-11T12:06:09-07:00

Insights into Emptiness: 8-night Retreat in California

RETREAT: January 8 – 16, 2025

This retreat will develop insight meditation practices using the structure of the six sense bases.

We will cultivate mindfulness of sensory experience, and contemplate the impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and not-self characteristics in contact with seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and mental activities. By clearly seeing the […]

Insights into Emptiness: 8-night Retreat in California2024-06-11T12:16:17-07:00

Insights into Emptiness: 10-night Retreat in Georgia

RETREAT: November 7 – 17, 2024

This retreat will develop insight meditation practices using the structure of the six sense bases.

We will cultivate mindfulness of sensory experience, and contemplate the impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and not-self characteristics in contact with seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and mental activities. By clearly seeing the […]

Insights into Emptiness: 10-night Retreat in Georgia2024-06-11T12:04:15-07:00

Concentration, Jhana, and Breath: Retreat in Northern California

RETREAT: MAY 7 – 17, 2024

This retreat will utilize the breath as the primary meditation object and will encourage the development of meditative skills that lead to deep concentration (samadhi) and insight (vipassana). Daily group instructions will focus on the sixteen steps in the Anapanasati Sutta as a route […]

Concentration, Jhana, and Breath: Retreat in Northern California2024-05-01T10:19:47-07:00

Stages of Insight: An Online Weekend Retreat

REGISTER: Now – Nov 9, 2023
RETREAT: November 10 – 12, 2023

This at-home online weekend retreat will explore the traditional map of Buddhist insight meditation practice known as the Sixteen Insight Knowledges. We will see how contemplating experience as impermanent, unsatisfactory, and not-self develops through a series of knowledges that culminate […]

Stages of Insight: An Online Weekend Retreat2023-11-11T09:35:09-08:00

Mindfulness of Death: An Online Weekend Retreat

REGISTER: Now – October 6
RETREAT: October 7 – 9, 2022

Online weekend retreat with Shaila Catherine is hosted by the Dharma Zephyr Sangha in Nevada. All are welcome.

“Mindfulness of death, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and benefit, culminating in the deathless, having the deathless as its consummation.”
– Anguttara […]

Mindfulness of Death: An Online Weekend Retreat2023-06-30T13:44:25-07:00
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